Now how to buy airline tickets in Rio (cheap flights) must be one of the questions I have answered most during my time here in the city. A few years ago there were only a few options available, basically for international flights it was the travel agents and for the domestic you should have bought a flight pass before you got here. That has changed a lot. For the international flights it´s basically the same, just go to a few travel agents and compare the prices. When it comes to the domestic flights a lot has happened. There are now quite a few small airline companies that compete; on the more common routes you can make some really good deals. So how should you go about this?
Procedure for Buying Airline Tickets in Rio
First go to Submarino Viagens and search for the cheapest flight to your destination. It can be tricky to buy tickets with international credit cards, if that is the case just check for the best prices, go to a travel agent to see if they can offer you this flight or anything that matches that price. It´s as easy as that! Many are located along the main street in Copacabana on Av. N. S. de Copacabana and in Ipanema along Rua Visconde de Pirajá. The other option is to buy the tickets at the airports from the actual companies, most of them have agencies at the international airport Galeão (GOL is also at the Santos Dumont airport), but there are a few around the city as well.
Some Other Info
Now that we have dealt with buying airline tickets in Rio I can try to answer some airline travel related issues.
Departure tax Is normally already paid and could be found on the bottom right of your ticket. If it is not paid, which is more common if you have round trip tickets, you can easily sort it out at the airport with a VISA card (how much it is vary).
Entrance Card When you arrive in Brazil you should receive a small paper you have to fill in, hang on to it! If not you will have to pay a quite steep fine on departure from Brazil.
Check in time Due to various reasons there has been many problems at check in, you are adviced being as early as three hours before departure at the check in. For domestic flights one hour is enough.