Rio de Janeiro Apartments for Rent
Finding Rio de Janeiro apartments for short term lease is not hard: There are offers all over the internet, on the beach or from flyers on the street. But how do you know what´s a good deal?
Rio de Janeiro Apartments – About Location, Comfort and Price
All this is important to consider. If you are already in Rio you can check out ads in the newspapers. There are also quite a few offers in hostels, hotels and travel agents. Shop around so you get an idea and then make your choice. If you want to book before you arrive just look around on the internet. Demand pictures and address so you won’t rent a flat on the first floor on a major avenue in the middle of nowhere. If you get a dodgy feeling, bail out.
New Years, Carnival and High Season
These periods are a lot harder. If you don’t make your reservation well ahead you will, if you find something, most likely pay a lot. There are many owners of apartments that make all their money during high season; late December until March and also July. The other times of the year you will, with a little bit of patience, find a good deal for a Rio de Janeiro apartment.
Since accommodation is pricey in Rio you will only make budget deals if you are ready to accept a little bit of discomfort. Matresses on the floor, sofa-beds and lack of AC is pretty common. If you want that comfort you will pay more. There is also quite few luxurious apartments available with views of the sea and swimming pools.
Be a bit careful before closing the deal, just because it’s on the internet, it’s not reliable. Try to read reviews, ask the extra question, check up the address (that Leblon is not up in a favela). has grown in popularity, and it offers really good prices, but there has been a few scams so be abit careful.